Services in December
Sun 4th December: 2nd Sun of Advent, St Mary's at 9.45am and St Cath's at 11.30am
Sun 11th Dec: 3rd Sun of Advent, St Mary's at 9.45am, St Cath's 11.30am
Nine Lessons and Carols at St Catharine's at 6.30pm.
Sun 18th Dec: 4th Sun of Advent, St Mary's 9.45am, St Cath's 11.30am
Christmas Eve: St Mary's 6.30pm and St Cath's 11.30pm.
Christmas Day: St Mary's 10am.
New Year's Day: Joint Grangemouth Churches service at 10.30am at Abbotsgrange
Joint service at St Catharine's at 11.30am.