Prayer Day for Grangemouth

The 4th October is a Prayer Day for Grangemouth for all the Churches of Grangemouth.

The following churches are open for quiet prayer at these times:
  • 9-11 St Mary's (including Morning Prayer at 9.30 and the 10.15 eucharist)
  • 11-1pm Kirk of the Holy Rood
  • 1-3pm Zetland Church
  • 3-5pm Sacred Heart
  • 5-7pm Abbotsgrange
We will also meet for prayer at:
  • The bandstand in the Precinct at 10am (lead by Michael Rollo of Found Church)
  • A prayer walk around the Refinery at 12pm, meeting at INEOS hq 
    (parking across the road, not in INEOS car park) - Lead by Rev Willie Shaw
  • Zetland Park at the human sundial at 4pm - Rev Willie Shaw will be there but hopefully others too!
Please feel free to come and go as you please at these times and places.