Monday Social Group, 2023-24

The program for this years Monday Social Group is now available.  This takes place in St Mary’s hall once a month on Monday afternoons at 1.30pm.  There’s usually about an hour’s presentation or activity followed by refreshments.  A voluntary donation towards costs is always appreciated.


This program is:

  • 4th September – Ian Scott: The Redding Pit Disaster
  • 2nd October – Yvonne Paton: Open Doors – a charity that supports the persecuted Church around the world.
  • 6th November – Madge Spencer: Tai Chi
  • 11th December – Flowers for Christmas
  • 8th January – Malcolm Nicol: topic tbc
  • 5th February – Jessica Paterson: topic tbc
  • 4th March – Frank Murray: Brimstone
  • April – Holy Week visits to other churches
  • 6th May – Rev Susan Ward: Food poverty